These young ladies have my heart


I’ve discovered one unexpected joy of being in the sandwich generation over the last few months – getting to know my sons’ girlfriends. Jonathon is 19 and has been dating Maddie for over a year. Jacob is going on 18 and has been dating Madison for well over six months. Yes, there’s definitely confusion with the similar names!

Both young ladies are as beautiful on the inside and they are on the outside. Both have good heads on their shoulders and are caring, smart, funny individuals.

And both of them have my heart.

I know what you’re probably thinking. My sons are young. These ladies may not be their “forever” loves. I shouldn’t get too attached. In fact, my brother-in-law pretty much said those words to me last weekend.

But I’m a Highly Sensitive Person (yep, it’s a thing). I feel all emotions strongly, which is wonderful most of the time and heart-wrenching some of the time. But I’ve learned that this is who I am and I’m not going to change. I treasure this trait despite the pain it occasionally causes.

We’ve had numerous dinners with Maddie and Madison both in and out of our home. We’ve taken them on adventures at Newfields and other local attractions. We exchanged lovely, thoughtful gifts last Christmas. These young ladies have become like family.

Since I have two boys, I’m thrilled to no longer be the lone female at various times in my house. There’s finally someone to talk about hairstyles, fashion, shopping, tea varieties, etc. But we’ve also had deep conversations that make me proud of my sons’ choices in girlfriends.

Maddie adores children and works at a private preschool. Madison and her family have a passion for the environment. Both young ladies are good matches and love my sons, with their quirks and all. Both of them have met and spent time with my mother and have been patient and sweet.

I could go on and on, but I only have limited space for this column. Yes, I’ll admit it – I’ve become attached to these gals. In my opinion, loving and getting to know people is life’s greatest joy. So, I’ll treasure each and every moment I have with them, whether it’s for another few months, years, or the rest of my life.