Reader pushes back against climate “alarmists”

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Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to the three young ladies who expressed their passion for environmental issues in the January 12 edition of The Reporter. I am extremely proud of them for their ambitions as environmentalists. But it is important that they get their facts straight. I too have such passion. I have studied environmental science since studying Ag science and majoring in Forestry at Purdue.

I have never associated with an energy company. I study peer-reviewed research almost daily which the three clearly have not because they follow Greta Thunberg who is totally misinformed and Al Gore who made it up and made his millions with his self-serving propaganda – he is a convincing salesman.

I am a practical environmentalist that applies peer reviewed research only. Anything that claims to be settled science is not science at all. But I’ll present facts that may convince them to study. I will say climate change is real and has been for 4 1/2 billion years.

Last November marked the 10th anniversary of “Climate-gate” – the release of thousands of emails among activists who’d been and still are falsely colluding to create the perception of a manmade climate crisis, a notion already in their minds and in computer models, but they were not in the real world.

Few people know the inconvenient facts about the supposed manmade climate crisis. For example, since 1998, average global temperatures have risen a mere few hundredths of a degree. For a time, they even declined slightly and seem to be declining again.

You may recall the claim long since debunked that 97 percent of scientists supported the global warming theory. But what it really was, was a small select group of researchers dependent on grants who were handpicked and polled – they knew they had to please their grantors – thus 97 percent agreed. IT WAS A FRAUD!

There are tens of thousands of peer reviewed researchers who have NOT been able to prove that CO2 CAUSES warming. But the UN and the Paris Climate Accords insist otherwise and seem to have vast numbers of school teachers and college instructors on the other side. They insist fossil fuel produces CO2 and that CO2 causes warming but only say so incessantly yet NOT proving how CO2 does its warming. They do succeed in freighting some 70 percent of citizens – even predicting the end of humankind in 11 years. (70 percent may be high with more people catching on to the FRAUD.)

Alarmist educators and broadcasters pressure children into fear and depression. Children are thinking it will end in 11 years and therefore they are worthless – begin to despair, exhibit forms of mental illness and lash out at others. Some kids are faced with near daily barrage of news that they and their parents are killing Mother Earth and that people must give up travel and stop enjoying activities they enjoy that requires energy. And by all means don’t have children!

Among the doomsday predictions that were absolutely debunked are a 1989 AP story, “Rising seas could obliterate nations.” A UN official warned that entire countries would be eliminated if the world failed to reverse warming by 2000 – yes that’s 20 years ago and it did not happen. Al Gore made his millions with this and other preposterous predictions. That did not stop Gore from using the discredited “hockey stick” graph in his doom and gloom climate change movie, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Computer models that Gore wanted you to believe were based on junk input such as rigged temperatures on ancient thermometers and ones placed near buildings, pavement and air conditioners. Today we mostly use satellites.

An international group of 500 distinguished climate researchers – actual experts – sent a letter to the UN Secretary General on climate change. The letter from the five began: “There is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on earth. More CO2 is beneficial for nature and greening of Earth; additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth of global plant biomass. And is good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.” It went on to say “Global warming has NOT increased natural disasters. There is NO statistical evidence that it is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts, sea levels nor making them more frequent. There is no emergency, therefore there is no cause for panic and alarm. THE AIM OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY SHOULD BE TO PROVIDE RELIABLE AND AFFORDABLE ENERGY AT ALL TIMES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.”

That was the letter to the UN from 500 recognized researchers. None of the letter’s signatories with hundreds of cumulative climate research projects and thousands of peer reviewed publications between them – NONE OF THEM WERE ASKED TO DISCUSS THEIR VIEWS BEFORE THE UN DURING THIS RECENT CLIMATE SUMMIT.

There are several causes of climate cycles. But El Nino and La Nina are weather phenomena. They have a profound effect on weather in North America – but NOT ON GLOBAL CLIMATE.

Each of the following has detailed peer reviewed research. I’ll simply list a few:

The sun’s dominant role, the largest of which is the effect on galactic sun rays. These charged particles from interstellar space which end up in the earth’s atmosphere and bring about changes in cloud cover. Sun spots and sun flares are on a near regular cycle. (Sun spots cooling – sun flares warming.) These are a major cause of climate cycles.

Greenland’s glaciers are in their third year of growth and the University of Iceland has reported that its glaciers have begun to grow. The Northern Atlantic Oscillation in which the northern Atlantic Ocean shifts from warming to cooling is a 20- to 30-year cycle. It is in its third year. Oh yes, we now have more polar bears than ever before recorded.

Greenland was settled by Norsemen a thousand years ago. The land was green and supported livestock and crops, but they left or died as the ice grew. Any one volcano spews out more CO2 and particulates than humankind has in all our existence, but that’s not reported in the media. Antarctica’s ice has built up millions of tons A YEAR to the extent that it is glaciated off its shelf – into the ocean. Many have mistaken this for melting. You may remember that about three years ago a tour boat of Chinese researchers got frozen in the ice and it took Russia’s best ice breaker three months to break them free.

Fortunately, the CO2 that humans have been pumping into the air since the middle of the 20th century has enriched plant growth, thereby contributed to record crop yields, helping to bring about the LARGEST DECLINE IN HUNGER, malnutrition and starvation in human history.

Most plants arose when CO2 levels were much higher than they are today. Over time, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere slowly declined to the extent that during the most recent ice age they fell to dangerous levels – just 180 parts per million (ppm). Plants begin to die when CO2 reaches 150 ppm because they are unable to photosynthesize food from CO2 and water. Since we rebounded from that ice age 10 to 15 thousand years ago, CO2 has gone up to 280 ppm — still far below the levels existing when plant life began to colonize the land.

Since the wide spread development and use of fossil fuels, world poverty and hunger have DECLINED rapidly. Despite the additional 3.2 billion people on the planet since 1968, poverty and hunger have fallen at a faster rate than any time in human history. 44 percent of the world’s population lived in absolute poverty in 1981 – that’s 44 percent in ’81. In the following 34 years, the share of people living on that level FELL BELOW 10 percent.

Additional research shows there is now 17 percent more food available PER PERSON than there was 30 years ago. Crop yields have regularly set records year after year as fossil fuel use and CO2 levels increased in the atmosphere – likewise for timber. Think about it, all animals and plants are made of carbon – and water and calcium, of course! We are DEPENDENT on CO2!

As of May 2018, The Heartland Institute has reported the increase in atmospheric CO2 has increased agriculture production per unit of land by 28 to 70 percent, depending on the crop. Please remember my point THAT IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN THAT CO2 CAUSES WARMING! There is no evidence other than Al Gore’s word that has made him rich.

Solar panels and wind turbines do not create a net employment increase as reported, and are much more expensive than cleaned up fossil fuels. Turbines have corrosion issues and break down, as do solar panels. Each year turbines and some panels kill millions of birds, including eagles, and other raptors as well as bats and the insects they feed on. They still only supply about 5 percent of our power at the most! Even though their price is dropping their NET COST IS RISING.

A so called “carbon tax” might cut our use of fossil fuel – BUT WHY ? They will increase your cost of EVERYTHING and I assure you such taxes will not change climate cycles. So why do Gore, politicians, professors, teachers and our kids insist that the world is in trouble? Well, many countries are backing off funding such issues – there is hope.

I conclude the best advice to conservatives and progressives alike is to help populations adjust to realties of climate effects.

Mic Mead


1 Comment on "Reader pushes back against climate “alarmists”"

  1. Connie Odom | February 6, 2020 at 8:05 am |

    Mic Mead, a voice of reason. Thank you so much. Your post was a welcome relief from the pearl clutching.

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