New Year, New Beginnings: Prevail poised for the future


Prevail Inc., Executive Director     

Prevail, Inc. is committed to offering crisis intervention and restorative support services for adult, teen and child survivors of crime and abuse, free of charge, in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental environment that is meant to empower, educate, and strengthen those who are served.

While Prevail has been in Noblesville and serving all of Hamilton County since 1986, the agency has seen significant growth in the past five years. Since 2013, the number of clients served each year has increased 42 percent. While there has been an increase in almost every single client category the agency tracks, the fastest growing population served over that time is victims of sexual assault, with the largest growth in teen victims of sexual assault, which has increased by 102 percent!

To serve these growing numbers, the agency has expanded in a number of ways. Prevail celebrated an expansion of space in 2018. Several new positions have been added to the team, and funding to support those positions has been secured. This has allowed the agency to continue to provide top quality advocacy services to those who seek them.

Early in 2019, the Prevail Board of Directors reviewed and updated the mission statement of the agency. The new mission statement, which succinctly and accurately describes our mission, is: “Prevail strives to empower victims of crime and abuse on their path to healing, while engaging the community to support safe, healthy relationships.”

The growth, along with laser focus on the mission of intervention along with prevention, has recently prompted the agency to enhance its staffing infrastructure. While not adding new positions within the organization, new leadership responsibilities have been distributed among existing staff.

Prevail is proud to announce that Brittany Winebar, formerly the Youth Advocacy Supervisor, is the agency’s new Director of Mission Achievement and will be responsible for staff supervision and program development for all services that help the agency to achieve the new mission. This will include ensuring the current quality of work along with analysis and planning for future operational needs and program development to meet those needs.

Winebar joins existing Executive Director Susan Ferguson and Director of Operations Michelle Moen to round out Prevail’s Leadership Team.

Both the Youth and Adult Advocacy teams have new supervisory leadership. Stephanie Holmes-Gullans is now the Supervisor of the Adult Team and Kelly Ferriell is the Supervisor of the Youth Team.

In addition, team leadership will be enhanced with the help of two new Lead Advocates. The Lead Advocates will have all the responsibilities of an advocate, along with some responsibility for training and providing supervisory consultation. The new Lead Advocates that have been promoted into these positions are Chelsea Martin, the new Youth Lead Advocate; and Paula Connor, the new Adult Lead Advocate.

With these new leadership positions, Prevail is able to focus on program development, provide additional advancement opportunities, and strategically work on developing and implementing new opportunities.

None of this is possible without community support. Everyone who participates in supporting these efforts through donating their time, talent, treasure, or testimony is making life-saving services possible. You are giving hope for a life free of violence and fear, providing care and understanding in crisis, and helping make an easier path in facing life’s challenges. With your help, Prevail seeks to make positive change happen – in individuals and families, in our communities and in our social systems.

For more information or to arrange a tour of Prevail, please contact us at (317) 773-6942 or check out our website at