Merry Christmas from Westfield Lions!

Westfield High School Signature Sound Choir, under the direction of WHS instructor Alison Myer Wessel (above right), performed the Holiday program for the club at the dinner meeting. (Photos provided)

The Westfield Lions Club held its Christmas Meeting on Thursday at the Lions Clubhouse. The annual meeting has become a tradition for the local service club.

For the past several years the Westfield High School Signature Sound Choir, under the direction of Westfield High School instructor Alison Myer Wessel, preformed the Holiday program for the club at the dinner meeting.

Another tradition for the club is the Christmas Tree Donation. Members put envelopes with cash and check donations on the clubhouse Christmas tree, and the president picks a favorite charity to be the recipient of the largesse.

Lions Club President John Wardlow and Secretary Jeff Larrison presented a check for $820 to the Westfield Youth Assistance Program. (Photo provided)

This year, Lions Club President John Wardlow picked the Westfield Youth Assistance Program for the award. More than $820 was raised on the tree, and along with an additional donation from an anonymous Westfield Lion member, rounded up to an even $1,000 for Westfield Youth.

The club wants to thank its ‘Secret Santa’ for the surprise generous gift.

About the Lions

Lions Clubs International is a non-political service organization of over 1.7 million members worldwide, established by Melvin Jones in 1917 in Chicago. It now has over 46,000 local clubs in more than 200 countries. The Lions’ motto is “We serve.” Local Lions Club programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues and many other programs.