Better than my dreams

From the Heart

As I close my eyes at night, I am often reminded that my reality is far better than any dream I could ever dream. I am living my own Hallmark movie, with this incredible man named Chuck, who I am blessed to call my husband.

A memory came up this week on my Facebook page. It was a chartreuse sign that read, “Welcome to Tampa almost Mrs. Leonard.” My heart remembered and smiled.

It was six years ago this week that I flew to Tampa to meet Chuck’s family. I was a nervous wreck. My mind had so many questions and my stomach had so many butterflies.

I remember writing a simple prayer in my journal as the plane began descending into the airport, “Please Lord, let them like me.”

Chuck and I made our way through the Christmas crowd in the terminal. I remember thinking, “Am I dreaming all of this or is it actually happening?”

As we were riding down the escalator, we both were surprised by the sign being held and those holding it. It was his son, Scott, and his kids, Jesse and Natalie. Chuck and I were also met with hugs.

We all would soon gather around the kitchen table at the home of Jeff and Sara and their kids, Emma and Will, along with Scott’s wife Lisa. It did not take long to realize how much better reality can be than that of a dream.

This family, whom I had only heard about through Chuck’s stories, would soon be part of my story … and it would be a good one.

Chuck had shared with them some of my columns. They had gotten to know me and my heart in my writing.

Over the next few days my heart not only relaxed but also fell in love with the entire Leonard family … my soon to be bonus family.

They liked me … they really liked me.

Two months later I officially became Mrs. Chuck Leonard.

My dream was to someday be loved and cherished. That I am. And I have eight bonus family members who often remind me of that.

Yes, there is a Santa. Yes, God does give us the desires of our heart. And yes, my reality is better than I could ever dream or watch in a Hallmark movie.

Merry Christmas to all of you. Keep believing and keep dreaming.