Sheridan CrossRoads kids need your help

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Dear Editor,

There is a little organization in Sheridan that makes a bigger impact on the community than most people realize, and if people in Hamilton County do not step up to help them financially soon, they will disappear.

Sheridan CrossRoads Student Center is a faith-based community outreach organization that offers local kids a variety of positive ways to spend their time. They show a movie each week, offer a community dinner free of charge that is prepared and served by the kids, help anyone who needs it with yard work or anything else the elderly may need, visit local assisted living facilities, and most important of all, they offer a hot meal to any local kid who wants it in the evening four nights each week.

They do all this on a shoestring budget and with very limited community support.

In fact, they do it in the face of a few individuals in the community who think CrossRoads is a waste of time because they either do not believe there is need or they don’t appreciate that need being met by someone who did not grow up in Sheridan.

But nearly every one of the roughly 50 young people they serve come from homes all too familiar with drug abuse and crime.

They have been featured on both WISH-TV Channel 8 and Fox 59 in recent months for the work they do – and the resources they need to stay open to help these young people. They even produce a portion of The Reporter’s weekly events, news and weather video with Mr. Weatherman, Paul Poteet.

CrossRoads is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so any donations you make are tax-deductible.

If you care about keeping the next generation on a good path, teaching them the value of giving back to their hometown, and giving them a much better chance at a life free of crime, drugs and any other of society’s ills, just invest a little in the future with a group that is struggling to continue their good work.

Go to to donate.

These kids need your help.

If you don’t help them, who will?

Stu Clampitt