Reader: County Democrat Party Chairman insults Hamilton County residents

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Dear Editor:

The Chairman of the Hamilton County Democratic Party made the following statement after election night results: “The demographics are changing here with younger, higher income, better educated moving in,” Weingarten said. “This is not the Hamilton County of 30 years ago.” (quote from the Indy Star Internet post). He also repeated it in the Hamilton County Reporter.

This is an insult to everyone living in Hamilton County, as he believes his group of voters are smarter than the rest of us. Well, Mr. Weingarten, it has been the leadership of Republican mayors Brainard, Cook, Fadness and Ditslear, Republican County Commissioners, Republican County Councilors and respective councils that have led Hamilton County for well over the past 58 years. The reason young families want to be in Fishers, Noblesville, Carmel, Westfield, Cicero, Sheridan, etc. is that these leaders make Hamilton County the best place to live, work, go to school and play – not you or your team.

Your insult of Hamilton County voters of not being of the same intelligence level as your Democratic group is an insult to every farmer, factory worker, schoolteacher, business owner, judge, political leader and our children. Your elitist view is the exact reason your party has not been in power in our great county.

Most agree our multiple party system is good and necessary for our governing system to work. Insulting the voters is not needed just because the party out of power won a few positions. The mandate is clear, keep the Republicans running the county as they have done a GREAT job to date.

The “wait till next year” comment sounds like a sports team that finished 0 and 16 for the 58th season but scored their first touchdown in 58 years. Stop your end zone dance and insults. The great people of Hamilton County, made up of all parties, deserve a thank you from you, not insults to their education level. We receive enough of this type of behavior out of Washington, D.C.


Birch Dalton
