Progress looms at Sheridan Historical Society Museum

Dort and Pokey Pickett are weaving away their time at the Sheridan Historical Society Museum on Main Street in beautiful uptown Sheridan. (Photo provided)


Dort and Pokey Picket recently sold the loom pictured above to the Sheridan Historical Society Museum. As previous owners, they have been spending some time of late at the museum showing some of the staff how to operate the loom with the idea that this will make an attractive visual effect for visitors to observe.

Visitors who have never seen a loom up close before will be fascinated by the complexity of the machine and intrigued by the fabric produced. Obviously, this small loom is a far cry from the modern automated factory looms in commercial use today, but the principle remains the same: String of one sort or another is turned into fabric.

The new museum itself is undergoing a transformation from the old motorcycle shop that it used to be. The Hobbs Era Basketball exhibit is essentially completed, and thanks to a lot of the women members, several other display areas are fairly complete at this time. The museum will have a mini-theater with chairs and tables for what is anticipated will be monthly programs of various sorts.

The Historical Society members are currently finalizing plans for the display of the old high school composite senior class pictures. The big hurdle for the pictures display is where to put them all. Wall space is limited, but there are pictures ranging from the early 1900s all the way up to the late 1990s – nearly 90 years’ worth.

Work on the exterior façade is ready to begin whenever the contractor can work it into his schedule. The front of the museum with its huge display windows will have an old fashion movie theater motif to celebrate its history as the Hippodrome Theater. When completed, the Society thinks it will be a standout feature on Sheridan’s Main Street and perhaps be something visitors to the community will remember for years to come.

Even though the Sheridan Historical Society’s museum at 315 S. Main St. in beautiful uptown Sheridan is still a work in progress, visitors are welcome to come by and have a look at what is going on. The museum is open on Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m.