Welcome to Miller Time!


Guest Columnist

In honor of the 150th anniversary of Noblesville Schools, I’d like to welcome you to Miller Time! It was the unofficial anthem of every Noblesville Miller sporting event.

For decades, the student body used that simple phrase to incite fear and loathing in their opponent’s hearts as they walked into Miller territory. We wanted to be the most intimidating gym floor or game field other schools would face in the state. While I’m not completely certain that it worked, as a band student, and then director of bands, it sure was fun to help create such an exciting atmosphere. I can still hear the voice of Mr. Dellinger and then Mr. Tremain giving the verbal cue “Here Come the Millers” cueing the pep band to break out in song.

As I have gotten a little more “seasoned” I believe that Miller Time became not only a sports mantra but a mental state of mind. I think about all of the tough moments that I have gone through in my life and I always subconsciously think “It’s Miller Time.”

Maybe I was in high school marching band and had a big contest … “It’s Miller Time.” Maybe I had a stressful test in Econ class … “It’s Miller Time.” Maybe I just didn’t want to get out of bed and head into school … “It’s Miller Time.”

Even now as I reflect on these past few weeks and the passing of Courtney, Tony, Krissi and many other classmates that have gone on before us, I see friends wrap their arms around those families and say, we are here with you, we are Millers, we are together … “It’s Miller Time.” Even when we faced the events of May 25, 2018, our entire community seemed to collectively say to the nation … “It’s Miller Time.”

From a sporting events mantra to a way of life, “It’s Miller Time” has always been there and I hope will live on for generations to come. As someone whose mother (Nadine Newsom Tarrance), father (Dennis White), grandmothers (Jacqueline Howard Newsom and Eunice Avery Collins) and many other family members graduated from NHS before me, I am so honored to have my story be a part of the 150th anniversary of Noblesville Schools.

I say to you all, “Welcome to Miller Time.”

Stacey White is the Noblesville West Middle School band director and a 1991 graduate of Noblesville High School.