Give to Janus, support programs to enrich lives of special needs students


Giving Tuesday is a big day for Janus Developmental Services, Inc. Donations made on Tuesday, Dec. 3 will play an important role in creating more stories like this one:

For the last four years, Janus has provided a Summer Program specifically for students with disabilities preparing to transition out of local high schools. This past summer, Janus had 15 students come three days a week to experience a condensed version of the Doorways program.

Each week the students did new and exciting activities from art to cooking, and each Friday they were able to go out in the community on various outings. The groups experienced bowling, nature hikes, yoga in the park, a tour of IMMI and many other exciting experiences. Janus finished out the summer with students by having them experience a Janus Summerfest, a long-awaited day which celebrates summertime with dancing, water games and many other festivities.

The Summer Program gives students the opportunity to see what life after school can look like. Students make connections with staff and peers and get comfortable with moving on from high school. Janus’ Summer Program strives to give students independence and confidence as they move to the next chapter in their lives.

Your donation will help to fund programs just like the one described above. George Kristo, a longtime Janus supporter, will match every dollar donated. Take advantage of the generosity of this donor and double the value of your donation to Janus by giving on Giving Tuesday.

Click here to make a safe, secure donation to Janus.