Fiscal Conservatives questions validity of collective punishment

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Dear Editor:

It seems that the Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County have done it again.

On Thursday, Nov. 14, four of our board members received notice from State Senator Victoria Spartz, Secretary of the 5th District Republican Central Committee, they are being charged with “not being in good standing.”

It is stunning that individuals are now being held accountable for decisions of their group, even if said individuals never participated in the actions that led to the complaint. We would expect that GOP PC’s all over the state of Indiana will be receiving similar notice if they are members of MIBOR, Chamber of Commerce or even church groups that have endorsed any Democratic candidates.

Please allow this blog post to serve as our official response – for now.

The Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County is a nonpartisan political organization devoted to advancing fiscally conservative candidates to all levels of government within Hamilton County. FCoHC promotes a free market, capitalistic system that encourages reduced government spending and minimal government debt. FCoHC does this through advocacy and education, supporting the creation of balanced budgets and the promotion of private enterprise. Learn more at or email