Despite setbacks, Ken Hahn meets $10K goal for Janus


Early last year, Ken Hahn, President of Metro Plastics, set a goal to run the 2019 Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis, despite the fact he hadn’t run in years and would be turning 50 two days prior to the 26.2-mile event.

But for Ken, the goal was not just to complete the race, but to raise $10,000 for Janus Developmental Services. Janus is a 40-year-old non-profit that provides services and programs for adults with disabilities throughout Hamilton County.

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Training for this feat became troublesome in March with a foot injury and then impossible in July because of a hip injury that landed Ken in a wheelchair for a couple of weeks. Despite these setbacks, Ken was determined to complete the race and raise $10,000 for Janus.

“Being able to have some association with Janus has been a blessing to me in so many ways,” said Ken. “Listening to the stories they share about their clients at the many events held throughout the year brings their purpose closer to our hearts. Their openness has touched many lives over the years, and they continue to inspire everyone over and over again.”

The day of the race dawned with record cold temperatures, but Ken was determined to complete the race – and finish the race he did. Ken ran the 26.2 miles is four hours and 26 minutes. He said the first 21 miles were great and he was on pace to complete the event in less than four hours. But then at mile 21, fatigue and pain hit hard and it was nearly impossible for Ken to continue.

“Literally the only thing that kept me going was realizing that if your clients were there, I know for a fact they would be cheering their hearts out,” Ken said. “It would have been impossible to keep them from not jumping in and start running with me to help me finish. I really slowed down but ran the entire race.”

Ken also surpassed his goal of raising $10,000 and will be presenting a check for $10,415 to Janus very soon. HIs staff is also putting the medal, his bib number and list of contributors in a frame for him.

“I would be honored if you could hang it up at Janus so the clients and your team can see all the names of the people who love and support them,” Ken said. “I don’t need it in my office as it’s not about me.”

From every client and staff member at Janus, thank you, Ken Hahn, for your passion and servant leadership.