The seasoning of life

From the Heart

“In my humble opinion.”

Whenever I say that, my husband gets a smile on his face. I know what he is thinking. Humble?

Well, in my opinion.

You see at the age of 64 my opinions are at the least … seasoned.

Over the years, as I have reached the “fall” of my existence, my opinions have changed.

I am less judgmental. I am more understanding and I am slower to speak … well, most of the time.

I realize that life is truly too short to put up with the negativity that others want to spew onto me. Too short to allow others to clutter my brain with their opinion of me. Too short to waste my time trying to please the unpleasable.

I am just doing the best I can to live life with a purpose – a purpose that includes kindness mixed in with a bit of empathy and sympathy.

Sometimes I am at a loss for words, so I just show up. Sometimes my friends just need someone to sit and cry with them.

I avoid clichés like, “Everything happens for a reason.” I don’t believe it does. Life just happens and we deal with it the best we know how.

I don’t try to read into what someone says or what I think they are meaning to say. If they have an ulterior motive for saying what they say, so be it. I am neither their judge nor their jury.

If someone misinterprets what I am saying, that is on them, not me.

If someone says something about me that is untrue, that is on them.

I often wish I could say or do something more for someone who is hurting. I’ve learned that showing up with a homemade meal can say a lot.

I have learned the value of complimenting a stranger. Words sweetly spoken can make a heart smile. We never know what that heart is going through.

I have learned that a note of concern or encouragement is worth its weight in gold. Oh, the gift of a handwritten note.

Words of appreciation go a long way in any relationship. Taking someone for granted is a huge NO NO.

I will continue to give my opinion, humble or not. However, I will always try to season it and serve it with a spoonful of sugar and a grain of salt.