Carmel reader quite critical of Jensen’s pick for deputy mayor

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Dear Editor:

I contacted Sen. Spartz last week in response to her excellent article “Government is always the biggest problem.” She was kind enough to respond, and to ask if I wanted to help her with her sound proposal for a hotline to report municipal malfeasance. I gladly accepted and hope to be able to testify about my experiences.

In the meantime, I noticed that Matt Light of the SBOA has been appointed something or another by Chris Jensen.

Sen. Spartz, coincidentally, I was going to let you know that Mr. Light was one of the least intellectually curious (or intentionally daft) people I have come across in trying to report municipal malfeasance and working through SBOA is a dead-end.

Piggybacking on Sen. Spartz’s theme that government is always the problem, since Mr. Jensen made three appointments, I couldn’t help but be reminded of this immortal line from the Declaration of Independence:  “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”

At least Mr. Light will be eating out of the people of Noblesville’s substance rather than mine anymore as a state taxpayer.


Eric Morris
