Weingarten says Republicans have yet to address the issues

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Dear Editor:

Once again, I have differed with Fred Swift in his opinion article on this year’s municipal election.

Mr. Swift seems to say Democrats have not spoken out on issues. Well, I guess he must be in a deep well and is not listening.

Actually, it is the Republicans who have not spoken out on the issues. They seem to think the secret governments they run are just wonderful. Why ask the public for input on projects, they know best. No need to ask the citizens of the communities. The Republicans seem to think developers should be given tax breaks, and let the general public pay the taxes instead. If the Mayors tell us what wonderful cities we have, no need for tax breaks the business will come on anyway or is a payoff process.

The Republicans seem to think raising the debt of the cities is just fine to the point of where Carmel is now in debt well over a billion dollars with no plan on how to pay it off and other cities are moving up with their debt at a rapid pace.

Speaking of taxes, they are getting more innovative on how to tax the citizens, the 911 call income tax at many times what is needed and calling it a county tax, nothing to do with the cities, then Fishers started a “wheel tax” where the BMV collects $25 for every vehicle you own. A tax hidden from the public. Who notices a wheel tax when they get a license plate?

One of the main issues by the Democrats is a call for transparent government. Maybe instead we should be saying stop the secret government, stop the behind closed doors development plans and come out in the open.

So, this election don’t sit home, come out and vote and when you see the word “incumbent” vote for the other person. We need to have people on the councils that will ask questions instead of rubber stamping the Mayors’ every move.

Joe Weingarten

Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair