Harvest season demands caution from drivers

October is here, and that means harvest time around Hamilton County. With the dry weather, some fields have already been harvested, and many more will be in the near future as farmers take advantage of the conditions.

It’s only for a few weeks, so take your time, be courteous and pay attention. (Photo provided)

Please exercise extra caution when traveling around farm fields, especially in the northern parts of the county. Large farm equipment may be entering and exiting fields at unusual locations, trucks may be parked alongside roads, and large, slow moving equipment may be on the roads. Use care when passing or approaching farm machinery as it may be difficult to see around and often is wider than a normal vehicle.

Also watch for deer activity, especially around dawn and dusk. Deer are naturally more active as the weather begins to cool and may be spooked from fields as farmers harvest. Deer versus vehicle crashes tend to increase during the fall.

If you would like to be added to the list to be notified if a deer is available after a crash, contact Hamilton County Public Safety Communications. There is no guarantee of the quantity or quality of deer, but a permit must be obtained to possess the deer carcass after a crash. These permits are obtained from a law enforcement officer at the scene of the crash.