Sheridan Horseshoe League nearing end of season

As the season is coming to an end, all of the Sheridan Horseshoe League teams have been making strong final pushes to be the top team.
All of the pitchers came in Tuesday to play, and everyone sure did see the push as metal was hitting the stakes at Biddle’s Memorial Park. Richard Law of JBS United, helped solidify his team at first place with an actual game of 99. He has been on fire the past few weeks inching closer to yet another 100 actual game in his career. Mike Milcoff of Deem Electric came in behind him with an actual game of 73 and he’s helping his team inch closer to second place in the leaderboards.
Don Dwigans seems to have found his rhythm again as he had a handicapped series of 377. Carry on Main, is having help from teammates Tamela McKinney and Doug McKinney as they are starting their pitches as well. It will be a fight to the end and everyone is waiting to see what next week holds.

Actual game Score
Richard Law 99
Mike Milcoff 73
Sam Gibbons 72

Actual Series Score
Richard Law 294
Mike Milcoff 210
Don Dwigans 200

Handicap Game Score
Richard Law 143
Sam Gibbons 130
Don Dwigans 128

Handicap Series Score
Richard Law 426
Don Dwigans 377