The Worry Shelf


Have you ever heard of worry dolls? Originating in Guatemala, children tell their worries to these tiny, handmade dolls. Boys and girls place them under their pillow when they go to bed at night, and by morning the dolls gift them with the wisdom and knowledge to eliminate their worries.

I’ve loved this concept ever since I heard about it long ago. In my case I imagine the dolls acting as stand-ins for angels, who then deliver these worries to God.

As an adult, however, I’ve modified the concept a bit. Ever since I’ve entered the sandwich generation and taken care of both my own family and my mother, I’ve created what I call a Worry Shelf.

The Worry Shelf is actually a high window ledge near my bed. Whenever I’ve done everything I can to resolve a stressful situation – or two… or three… or four – but they’re still not better, I stand before the window In the evening. I take some deep breaths.

I literally cup my hands, imagine the problem sitting in them, and lift it up onto the ledge. I do this with each problem until the ledge is full. Amazingly it’s always the right size no matter what I pile up there!

Then I lift each situation up in prayer, officially giving them to God for the night. I take one last deep breath and climb into bed.

The advantage of this Worry Shelf is that I can open my eyes when the worries try to worm their way back into my brain and look at the ledge. I then remind myself that the worries are no longer my concern and that now is not the time to delve into them. God’s gathered all of them and is in the process of handling everything.

This shelf has saved my sanity many times, for instance, when my mother fell and went to the hospital twice, when my children struggled with the pains of adolescence, and when our finances weren’t quite where I wanted them to be.

Amazingly, I’m actually able to get a decent night’s sleep. I wake up feeling much better about life. I think it goes back to the saying “motion creates emotion.” When we can act out the motion of our worries being lifted away from us and given to a higher power, our minds and hearts believe it. We feel lighter, relieved and able to function.

If you like this idea, feel free to create your own Worry Shelf. Use it as often as needed. Take it from me, it can handle whatever you give it, and you just might be happier and healthier as a result!