CASTING CALL for Westfield Playhouse

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

  • Written by Jethro Compton
  • Based on the short story by Dorothy M. Johnson
  • Directed by Véronique Duprey

Auditions for The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 5 and Tuesday, Aug. 6 at the Westfield Playhouse, 1836 W. State Road 32, Westfield. This will be a new adaptation of the short story which also inspired the 1962 movie with John Wayne. The director is looking for a rugged-looking cast for the Indiana premiere of this western set in 1890. Performances will be held from Sept. 27 to Oct. 13.


When a young scholar from New York City travels west in search of a new life, he arrives beaten and half-dead on the dusty streets of Twotrees. Rescued from the plains, the town soon becomes his home. A local girl gives him purpose in a broken land, but is it enough to save him from the vicious outlaw who wants him dead? He must make the choice to turn and run or to stand for what he believes, to live or to fight; to become the man who shot Liberty Valance.

Character descriptions (from the playwright)

  • Ransome Foster – ages 30 to 35 – From New York. Well-read and well spoken. He is stubborn and often arrogant but always well meaning.  Some kissing.
  • Hallie Jackson – ages 25 to 35 – She’s a strong-minded, rough talking girl. Underneath her rough exterior is a beautiful and caring individual. Some kissing.
  • Bert Barricune – ages 40 to 50 – Bert is a true gunslinger. He is worn and battered-looking but clearly handsome. He speaks only when he must. One kiss.
  • Jim “The Reverend” Mosten – ages 20 to 30, AA – Jim is a young black swamper. He is kind, enthusiastic, well-mannered, full of energy and easy to fall in love with. One song.
  • Liberty Valance – ages 30 to 40 – Liberty is a Southern gentleman, but his polite manner doesn’t disguise the scars on his face. He is terrifyingly unpredictable.
  • Marshal Johnson – ages 50 to 60 – The Marshal talks the talk. When it comes down to it, he’s a coward.
  • Narrator – ages 40 to 75 – Could be either on stage or a recorded voice.
  • Jake Dowitt – ages 20 to 35 – Jake is an enthusiastic reporter for a small local paper.

Mourners, any age, who sing at Barricune’s funeral; some of them may also play the following roles:

  • Deputy – ages 25 to 40 – The Marshal’s deputy.
  • Students – Local townsmen attending the “school”.
  • The Gang – A few of Liberty’s men.