What’s the holdup on parking study?

What’s the holdup on releasing the report of the downtown Noblesville parking study? It’s been a year or more since the City Parking Task Force commissioned a report of the findings of a study of parking needs.

This the fourth or fifth study conducted in the past 15 years. The issue has been studied to death. So far little has come of these studies which all show a need for more and better parking opportunities. In recent years there has been more signage and presumably better enforcement of two-hour limits on street parking, but little else.

Spokesmen at City Hall say the most recent study is not yet available for the public. At last report the task force had yet to review and approve it. It certainly seems they have had the time to do that if they place any importance on moving toward more parking for our growing population.

Apparently, the study will offer short term and long term recommendations. You can bet the long term need will be a public parking garage such as other cities of 55,000 population have provided. Bloomington, Anderson and Valparaiso have downtown parking garages Unfortunately, there  have been no specific and meaningful plans to get new parking underway whether it be surface lots  or a multi-level garage which should and probably will require a cooperative effort by city and county officials.

With hundreds of county and city employees working in the downtown area, this is one matter where local government has a responsibility to get involved along with aiding the public which needs access to government offices.

As in so many cases, an innovative idea is needed because parking facilities are expensive. One good idea that has been tossed around for years involves a structure that could house places of business on the street level with parking above. Rent from the private businesses could help defray the cost of the structure.

Riverview Health (hospital) is planning a new building west of White River that reportedly will include parking. Whether or not it will be open to the general public has not been revealed. But, even if it is, a walk across the Conner Street bridge in cold winter weather is not something most folks are going to accept.

Noblesville needs parking within a half-block to a block of the Courthouse Square. And, there are such sites that should be considered.

So, let’s see that report, and then let’s get the show on the road.