Brooks votes to provide humanitarian aid, relief for crisis at southern border

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-Ind.-05) provided the following statement after voting in support of humanitarian aid for our southern border:


“Providing urgently needed relief for the thousands upon thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children at our southern border as well as our federal agents who are working to care for these individuals is something every Republican and Democrat should support. I am proud that today, Congress is showing the American people we can work together in a bipartisan way to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis at our southern border.”

Click here to watch Brooks deliver her remarks on the House floor.


Prior to this vote, Brooks joined a number of her Republican colleagues on the House floor to urge House Democrats to consider a bipartisan bill that passed the Senate with 84 votes and will provide immediate humanitarian aid and critical resources to address the crisis at the border.

The bipartisan package provides $4.59 billion in emergency supplemental appropriations to address the humanitarian and security crisis at the border. It includes:

  • $2.88 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program to help ensure the safety and welfare of children in HHS custody;
  • $145 million for the various branches of the U.S. military for operating expenses in support of multiple missions including rotary-wing aviation support, strategic lift, medical assistance, mobile surveillance, command and control, and maintenance activities;
  • $220 million for the Department of Justice to help process immigration cases and emergency expenditures related to the housing, transportation and care for federal detainees remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service;
  • $1.1 billion for Customs and Border Protection to establish migrant care and processing facilities, provide medical care and consumables, and pay transport and overtime costs for personnel;
  • $209 million for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to fund transportation costs and medical care for detainees, conduct human trafficking operations, and pay travel and overtime costs for personnel; and
  • $30 million for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to reimburse states, local governments and non-governmental organizations for care of migrants.