Mining, subdivision planned along Cherry Tree Road

Martin Marietta Materials Inc. has informed Noblesville city officials of plans to open a new aggregate mining operation on land on the east side of Cherry Tree Road immediately north of the Lochaven subdivision. When stone extraction is completed in the next four to five years, the company plans an upscale subdivision of 23 lots around the lake that will be created by quarrying.

The Noblesville Common Council got a look at the plans earlier this month. A change in zoning will be needed, so the development plan goes to the plan commission for their consideration, and eventually back to the council for a formal vote.

During the mining, Martin Marietta plans excavating, transporting and storage of stone, but no processing on the site. The company has also promised to restrict its operations to a 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. work day, Monday through Saturday, with no blasting near existing homes There has been extensive mining for many years on land along River Road, a short distance east of Cherry Tree Road, but little as far west as Cherry Tree. The property involved contains about 59 acres.

The eventual subdivision, to be known as Cherry Tree Manors, will take less than half the acreage, leaving the rest as lake and common areas.