Our view on gun control


Sheridan High School Students

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

One of the biggest debates in our country today is whether or not people living in America should have guns. We would like to inform readers why we as high schoolers do not support gun control.

We have many reasons we don’t support gun control, and we both grew up being taught gun safety in our homes. The main reasons we are against control are: Guns can protect, criminals will still get access to guns, and stricter gun control would infringe upon people’s rights to self-defense.

Having a gun is important for protection. We grew up with guns in our homes, but we were also taught how to use them and when to use them. A great idea for kids and parents wanting to learn gun safety, or just for teaching their kids, is through the 4-H gun safety course. Having taken this class in third grade, it helped understand more about guns and their safety precautions.

The people who are going to use guns for the wrong purpose are still going to find a way to get guns. Then, without access to guns, the people who are targeted will have no way of defending themselves. Also, according to FBI crime analysis, of 10 active shooters events, 49 percent ended before police arrived. Sixty-seven percent ended with the shooter’s suicide or him fleeing the scene. The other 33 percent were stopped by potential victims stopping the attacker.

Having gun control laws would infringe on people’s rights to self-defense. Being able to protect yourself and your valuables is your right. For example, if a shooter came into your house and you didn’t have a gun to protect yourself, what would you have to protect yourself? More than likely the person would harm you or your family. According to the National Rifle Association (NRA), guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. Also, according to a Pew Foundation report, 79 percent of male gun owners and 80 percent of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer.

In conclusion, we are against gun control for many reasons. Our main reasons are that guns can protect, criminals will still get access to guns, and gun control would infringe on the people’s rights to self-defense. Gun control will only be effective on law-abiding citizens.