White River Vision Plan unveiling kicks off week-long celebration

The White River Vision Plan will be unveiled during a press conference at 9 a.m. on June 3, in the Indianapolis Art Center, followed by a week of celebratory events and activities along the White River in Indianapolis and Hamilton County. The final plan is a community-driven effort led by the City of Indianapolis, Visit Indy and Hamilton County Tourism, Inc. along with many other partner organizations to determine enhancements for 58 miles of the White River.

The White River Vision Plan kicked off in May 2018 and included 12 months of research, discovery and development by core team members from Agency Landscape + Planning, RATIO Architects, DAVID RUBIN Land Collective, Applied Ecological Services, Engaging Solutions, Heritage Strategies, HR&A, Land Story and Christopher B. Burke Engineering.

Community members and residents also played an imperative role in shaping the plan by participating in interactive online surveys and attending nearly a dozen community feedback meetings.

The final plan will highlight areas along the river slated for new destinations, recreational assets, restoration and preservation. Areas were chosen based on ecological, economic, historical and cultural significance and important nearby neighborhoods.

To celebrate the release of the White River Vision Plan, a series of activities and events will take place June 3 through 7. Click here for a detailed list of events, including times, dates and locations.

“We are excited to unveil this historic plan which will include community feedback that has been genuinely included into the plan,” said Emily Mack, director of the Department of Metropolitan Development for the City of Indianapolis. “The process has made the bond between Marion and Hamilton counties even stronger and has opened our eyes to the possibilities when communities come together for a common purpose.”

“The White River has now become part of everyday planning through this project and the dedication of the consulting team,” said Hamilton County Tourism, Inc. President and CEO Brenda Myers. “The focus to make this a community-based initiative cannot be understated and the authenticity and inclusiveness shown during this process is unparalleled to other projects that came before it.”

For more information on the White River Vision Plan, visit mywhiteriver.com. You can also follow My White River on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

About the White River Vision Plan

The White River Vision Plan is a joint effort between the City of Indianapolis and Hamilton County Tourism, Inc. in partnership with Visit Indy’s philanthropic arm, Tourism Tomorrow, Inc. to develop a comprehensive and coordinated regional, community-driven plan to enhance 58 miles of the White River in Indianapolis and Hamilton County. The goal of the vision plan is to create an accessible, recreational and cultural environment that encourages a unique sense of place for the community.