Trust is built at Janus

Janus: 40 stories for 40 years . . .

Submitted by Janus

When Robin Whaley moved to Indiana in 2011, she was looking for an organization that could help with her sister, Angel, who is now 57.

Angel Weinbrecht

Angel has Down syndrome and they tried to have her spend time at an operation in North Carolina. Robin said she was frustrated with the staff there and the transportation was unreliable.

“One day they tried to put her in a taxi cab and when Angel didn’t get in there they yelled at her,” Whaley said.

When Robin found Janus Developmental Services she said it was like night and day, starting with the transportation. Whenever Angel goes to Janus to work, she’s picked up by the Hamilton County Express, a bus that serves clients and others.

“The drivers are so professional and friendly,” Whaley said. “They just start the day off right for Angel. I can trust that she will be safe.”

Robin said Angel really enjoys going to Janus and the staff mentions the impact that she has on others. Angel sings in the choir and has made lots of friends.

“She’s just a happy person,” Whaley said. “Angel loves to smile and laugh and everybody says she has the world’s best smile.”