Reader: Why not support Adam Aasen for Carmel City Council?

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Dear Editor:

I’m writing today in support of Adam Aasen and to encourage the people of the Southeast district to vote for Adam come May 7.

I’ve been fortunate to get to know Adam through his engagement in Carmel Rotary and the community over the past handful of years. Having first met Adam at his restaurant in Carmel, I immediately noticed his genuine interest in serving the people and visitors of Carmel.

What’s drawn me to Adam is his unwavering character to do what’s right. Sure, he’s received invaluable experience as a journalist that shows he understands the issues and can ask tough questions. Sure, his fiscal maturity and discipline running his small business with his family shows he gets tough decisions, cost to benefit comparisons and relying on a team to deliver positive results. Sure, he’s proven his commitment and dedication to the Carmel community through his countless hours of volunteering, hosting fundraisers and serving on committees and nonprofit boards.

But why else do I support Adam? He has a vested interest in making Carmel the best community it can be for generations. No longer just for his business, but for his family as well.

Adam and his wife, Nicole, welcomed their newborn daughter Madeline in December. He’s embraced fatherhood and I believe Adam now has another reason to value strong leadership, effective fact gathering and decisive action.

Adam does not take lightly that the decisions he makes will help shape Carmel’s future for his daughter and all children in this city. I’d encourage you to consider this and more as you head to the ballot box on May 7.


Joshua E. Carr
