Carmel mayoral candidates to meet for public forum

Both candidates in the spirited contest for the Carmel Republican nomination for mayor will appear at a public forum April 23. Incumbent Mayor Jim Brainard is opposed by Fred Glynn. Candidates for all offices at stake in the May 6 primary election are also expected.

The event, scheduled for 7 p.m. at Carmel City Hall, will be moderated by Indianapolis radio personality Abdul Shabazz. The candidate forum is hosted by the Carmel Clay Republican Club. The group has sponsored the event each election year since 2000.

Each candidate will speak and receive questions from the audience. Following the main program, members of the public may chat one-on-one with candidates over refreshments.

“The forum offers a great opportunity for the public to meet the candidates for mayor, city council, city judge and city clerk at one place in an informal setting,” said club president Paul Ayers.

To date, no Democrat has filed for mayor or most other offices in Carmel.