“When thunder roars, go indoors”

You can learn more about thunderstorm and lighting safety by visiting weather.gov/safety/lightning-safety and weather.gov/safety/thunderstorm. (Graphic provided)

When you hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. It is important to heed the warning, “When thunder roars, go indoors.”

Lightning is only one of the many threats from thunderstorms. More homes are damaged by severe thunderstorms than tornadoes due to their destructive winds, large hail and lightning.

It is important to understand a severe thunderstorm watch means conditions are favorable. You need to make a plan where you will go in the event of a warning, which means take action.

“Your safe place for a tornado should be the same safe place you go to when a severe thunderstorm warning is issued,” said Shane Booker, Executive Director of Emergency Management for Hamilton County. “As thunderstorms build, there are times when the storm becomes too large and it can no longer support itself resulting in a tremendous amount of air pushed to ground at high rates of speed. Know that severe thunderstorm warnings are serious and heed the warning by going to your safe place.”