It’s all about the laughter

From the Heart

I’m 10 days into the Lent season and as you know, I gave up whining.

It was Friday morning at 8:00 when the phone rang, waking me up on my day off. I voiced my opinion to my husband. He says to me, “Honey, is that a bit of whining I hear?” My response was, “Actually Honey, I was just making a statement.”

And then we both burst out in laughter. It may be a long 30 days ahead for me.

I have focused on the times when I would normally vent my frustration and have not done so. I reminded myself of things such as “this too shall pass,” “it’s not all that bad,” and “Easter will be here soon.” I may need duct tape before it gets here.

They say that laughter is good for the soul. I think it’s good for a marriage as well.

Actually, laughter is a sign of any good relationship.

A few days ago my mother turned 93. She struggles to walk and sometimes to remember just the right words but she has not lost her sense of humor.

At her assisted living residence they had an activity where drums were brought in for the residents to play. Mom had so much excitement in her voice as she told of playing the drums and singing “Green Music.” I was trying to figure out the bunny trail we were on with the green music.

I felt like I was given the answer to Final Jeopardy and needed to come up with the question. After a bit of wandering and wondering I came up with “What is Irish Music?” GOT IT!

Mom and I laughed.

Life is short. Laugh as much as you can. Don’t take life or frustrations so seriously.

Chuck says I should have all of you vote if I was stating a fact or I was whining. I vetoed his thought.

I only know that next year I’m seriously considering giving up coffee. Who knew 40 days could be so long?