Help ‘Stamp Out’ hunger next month

The Delaware Township Trustee’s Office in Fishers is seeking volunteers to help fold 25,000 plastic grocery bags before April 13 in preparation for the 27th annual Letter Carriers’ National Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.

The bags will be used to collect non-perishable food donations left by mailboxes and in post offices. United States Postal Service mail carriers will collect the bags and the goods will be delivered to local community food banks, pantries and shelters.

Volunteers can call 317-842-8595 to set up a time to come in and volunteer anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Delaware Township Trustee’s Office, 9090 E. 131st St., Fishers.

The National Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is a charitable initiative conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) in the United States to make significant donations of food to organizations serving needy persons.