Commissioners OK 14 new sheriff’s cars

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department was granted 14 new Ford police cruisers in action by the Board of County Commissioners on Monday. The cars include 14 older vehicles being replaced. Pearson Ford’s bid of $34,900 was accepted by commissioners as the lowest and best for the replacement units.

In other action at their regular meeting, commissioners appointed Barbara Scott to the county Community Corrections Advisory Board. Scott directs Aspire, the mental health agency for the county. She fills a vacancy on the board created by an earlier resignation.

Commissioners also approved retirement of the Sheriff’s Department K-9, and granted a department request that the dog by given to its longtime handler, Lt. Dustin Dixon.

The county officials also voted to grant an abandoned Midland Railroad right-of-way at Durbin to adjoining property owners. The strip of ground was used for a railroad siding at the Durbin grain elevator when the Midland was active. The ground will now, under private ownership, be returned to the tax rolls.

Following their regular session, commissioners conducted a work session with Kent Irwin Associates, a firm engaged by the county to review and recommend new salary scales for executive positions in county government.

No decisions were reached, but when a recommendation is formulated it will be placed in ordinance form for County Council consideration. Executives included in the study are generally department heads of the various offices of county government.