Janus using art to help raise awareness

Janus artists like Theresa Carothers find meaning and inspiration in creating and selling their artwork, such as this particular piece featuring a bunny. (Photo provided by Janus Developmental Services, Inc.)

Forty stories celebrating 40 years . . .

Adults and children with disabilities represent slightly more than 19 percent of Indiana’s population. The month of March 2019 has been designated as “Disabilities Awareness Month” to celebrate and recognize people with disabilities.

Janus Developmental Services, Inc. knows that every person regardless of ability has unique and valuable strengths and the potential to make important contributions to their community. Each day, Janus celebrates all the individuals it serves, recognizes their special talents and shares their amazing stories.

Theresa and her parents have been part of the Janus family for over 20 years. Leslie, Theresa’s mom, is a valued volunteer with the “For the Love of Janus Volunteer Guild” and is always willing to help with planning the many celebrations and special events which take place at Janus.

Theresa creates artwork in the Blank Canvas Studio, a commissioned art program, providing artists with the opportunity to explore their talents by creating and selling their artwork. Theresa enjoys whimsical paintings featuring light colors and finds inspiration in things she loves like animals and the sky. She experiences great joy in expressing herself through her art creations and enjoys sharing her paintings with others.

Each person served by Janus has a special story, so Janus plans to highlight and share more heartwarming and inspirational stories throughout Janus’ 40th anniversary year.