Sheridan JAG advances to state

Sheridan High School Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) students brought home five first place awards. (Photo provided)

The Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program Region 5 Career Development Conference (CDC) took place on Feb. 5 at the Valley Vista Country Club in Greenwood.

At the CDC, JAG students from 12 different high school programs competed in multiple different career development competitions. Sheridan High School JAG students brought home five first place awards out of the 13 competitions, of which the Sheridan HS JAG competed in nine.

Among the first place winners who competed individually were Kalee Harrold for Cover Design, Jacob Leigh for Creative Solutions, Kristen Martin for Employability Skills and Caleb Duke for Outstanding Senior.

Sheridan HS JAG students who created the winning JAG Commercial for the team competition include Nicholas Burnell, Isaac Clark, Dennis ‘Drake’ Delph, James ‘Jimmy’ Manis, Devin Mitchum, Sean Speck and Jacob Vita. Those who placed first at the CDC will advance to the state competition at the Ivy Tech Indianapolis campus on March 15.

Each JAG competition had certain requirements. In order to win the Cover Design competition, the competitor, Kalee Harrold, was required to submit a design that represented JAG and its purpose. This design was due on Dec. 19, 2018, and was judged on its creativity and looks.

Cover Design wasn’t the only competition based on creativity. Jacob Leigh was given limited resources to create something from a limited amount of supplies for the Creative Solutions competition. Jacob demonstrated his creative side by successfully making a usable and accurate slingshot from the limited resources provided.

Finally, one of the last competitions requiring students to show their creative side was the JAG Commercial Competition. Students were required to create a two-minute commercial about JAG’s mission and purpose. The creative minds behind the Sheridan HS JAG commercial successfully represented JAG, which resulted in the competitors bringing home the win.

While some competitions required competitors to use their creative side, others required the students to use their interviewing skills. Students who competed in the Employability Skills were required to complete a cover letter and a resume, as well as participate in a mock interview. The winner was decided based off of professional appearance, attitude, readiness and professionalism in general.

The final competition that the students of Sheridan HS JAG received first place in was the competition of Outstanding Senior. In order to compete, students had to submit a personal essay, fill out a resume, gather letters of recommendations, partake in an interview and have outstanding academic achievement and an overall great personality.

“It was an honor to represent Sheridan HS JAG and what it stands for at the CDC competition,” said senior Kristen Martin. “It wasn’t an easy competition, and I highly recommend every student in JAG try to compete at this event. I look forward to representing Sheridan JAG at the state competition on March 15.”

“We are extremely proud to be a JAG school and perform so well at the Region 5 CDC,” said Sheridan High School Principal Rick Davis. “The JAG program is a fantastic opportunity for our students and their investment in JAG was on clear display at the competition. Mrs. Jackson, our JAG instructor, has done an amazing job with the program and the success of our students is evidence of the dedication to JAG from all of those involved.”