Carmel Clay Republicans to gather for annual chili supper

The Carmel Clay Republican Club’s annual chili supper will be held Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the John Hensel Community Building, 107th Street and College Avenue. Serving begins at 6:30 p.m.

“The general public is welcome,” said Club President Matt Snyder. Candidates in the May 7 Republican primary will be serving and available to speak with those attending. Candidates include those for mayor, city clerk, city judge and city council.

The menu besides chili includes salads and desserts to be provided by members in pitch-in fashion.

Indianapolis radio personality Abdul Shabazz will speak following supper.

There will also be an election of officers for the club. The nominating committee will propose Paul Ayers for president, Matt Snyder for vice president, Dixie Packard for secretary and Barry Simich for treasurer.