‘Perfect Wedding’ at The Belfry

Imagine this: A man wakes up in the bridal suite on his wedding morning to find an extremely attractive girl in his room. In the depths of a stag night hangover he can’t even remember meeting her.

Before he can get her out, his bride to be arrives for the wedding.

In the ensuing panic, the girl is locked in the bathroom. The best man is persuaded to claim her, but he gets confused and introduces the chamber maid to the bride as his date.

The crisis escalates to nuclear levels by the time the mother of the bride and the best man’s actual girlfriend arrive.

That is the story of “Perfect Wedding,” a comedy in two acts by Robin Hawdon, directed by Elaine Wagner which will be staged at The Belfry from June 2 to June 18.

This rare combination of riotous farce and touching love story has provoked waves of laughter across Europe and America.

The Belfry production featured Zach Buzan, Kaitlyn Colby, Kaitlyn Hamke, Dave Hoffman, Stephani McDole and Sara Wills

Perfect Wedding is rated PG-13. Some thematic elements and language might not be suitable for younger children.

Tickets and reservations at www.TheBelfryTheatre.com or by calling (317) 773-1085

This play is presented through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.


Plan to Attend

  • Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.
  • Sunday Matinee at 2 p.m.
  • Doors open 45 minutes prior to curtain
  • Cost is $15 for adults