National spotlight hits Noblesville HS journalists

Noblesville High School student journalists Jacob Hoffman (left) and Skye McLaughlin (right) received national recognition for their piece on this past May’s school shooting. (Photo provided)

Noblesville High School journalists Jacob Hoffman and Skye McLaughlin are the only students in Indiana to receive national broadcast recognition from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Crown Awards contest for their piece on the Noblesville West Middle School shooting.

At the Indiana High School Press Association awards, NHS’s newspaper, The Mill Stream, was named a Hoosier Star Award finalist and several students brought home state honors, including:

  • Bella Murdock, second place overall in the page design category,
  • Skye McLaughlin, second place overall in the editorial writing category,
  • Marin Thomas, Emily Whitcomb and James Simons, third place overall in both the page, design and feature story categories, and
  • Eli Maxwell, honorable mention in the page design category.

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