Innovations in trucking: How Indiana truckers, motorists alike are impacted


Guest Columnist

Every day, we share the road with a semi truck that may weigh up to 20 times more than our standard passenger vehicles, and if you have ever passed the scene of an accident involving a semi and car, you’ve witnessed the extensive damage that can occur.

Thousands of vehicle accidents occur throughout Indiana every year, and according to recent data from the Indiana Department of Transportation and Indiana University Public Policy Institute, accidents with a large commercial vehicle has increased 5.7 percent between 2013 and 2017.

In 2017, there were 14,877 collisions with large commercial vehicles (CVs), including semis, which resulted in 125 fatalities, 1,860 injuries and 12,892 reports of property damage. Large trucks have a fatality rate of 10.1 deaths per 1,000 vehicles, which is three times greater than the average for all other vehicles.

In efforts to reduce roadways incidents and fatalities, passenger and large CVs are equipped with safety technology that is designed to prevent accidents. Considering some of the common contributing factors in accidents, let’s take a closer look as to how safety technology impacts all Indiana motorists.

Common contributing factors in Indiana vehicle accidents

Nearly all vehicle accidents are preventable and human error is often to blame for the reason for the accident. While weather and road conditions often play a significant role in Indiana accidents, many of the accidents between a CV and passenger vehicle involve driver error.

CV drivers, whether local to Indiana or passing through the state, are often under pressure and work on a tight deadline. Working long hours and experiencing stress can lead to speeding, fatigue and distraction, which can all result in an accident. Driving on routes that are unfamiliar or experiencing mechanical issues can also play a role in collisions with passenger vehicles.

CV drivers and the companies they work for are often to blame for many accidents involving a smaller vehicle, but passenger vehicle drivers may make decisions that put themselves at great risk for a collision.

Many of the accident factors apply to other drivers, such as distracted driving or speeding, but many drivers are unaware of how to share the road with larger vehicles like semis. Driving in a CVs blindspot or following too closely can increase the chance of an otherwise preventable accident.

Click here for more information on contributing factors.

A look at today’s safety technology

Much of the safety technology used in today’s commercial vehicles, like semis, are designed to not only prevent an accident but also hold CV drivers more accountable for their actions behind to the wheel.

Since many drivers spend most of their day alone, the details of an accident are often inaccurate. Some drivers are worried about losing their job and others may simply leave out key information.

Technology like SmartDrive cameras helps to keep drivers accountable, keep them safer and even aid as a teaching tool in helping drivers becoming better. Many of today’s new vehicles are equipped with advanced collision mitigation systems, and more CVs are also getting the potentially life-saving technology installed as well.

Other technology that may not seem like standard safety technology, but can help reduce the rate of accidents, includes dynamic routing, trailer tracking, temperature tracking and improved record keeping. All of this technology is designed to make drivers more efficient, improve their drive time and potentially catch mechanical issues before they cause an accident on the road.

Improving the technology in commercial vehicles can greatly impact all motorists on Indiana roads by reducing the stress and other factors that often contribute to deadly accidents.