12 years after TSA incident, Singh wins Rosa Parks Trailblazer Award

Gurinder Singh Khalsa (left) and community leader Denise Moe are shown here as Singh accepts the Rosa Parks Trailblazer Award. (Photo provided)

Fishers resident Gurinder Singh Khalsa has been awarded the Champion of Diversity, Rosa Parks Trailblazer award for his campaign to persuade U.S. authorities change policy towards Sikh turbans at airports.

“I was stopped from boarding the flight to visit my dying mother because I refused to remove my turban. I took this stand for all those who believe in religious liberty and freedom of faith,” said Singh, who also heads the Indiana-based Sikhs Political Affairs Committee.

Singh dedicated the award to his community.

“This award is not about me. Change does not exist without the support of a community,” said Singh. “I dedicate this award to more than 67,000 individuals from all walks of life across America, and to one of the largest Sikh advocacy groups, Sikh Coalition. Without their countless efforts change in the TSA Turban policy would not exist.”

The Friday award ceremony was attended by over 500 community leaders and elected officials, including Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, State Senator Jim Merritt, who is also running for mayor of Indianapolis, attorney Will Riley, business owner Mabel Lui and community leader Denise Moe.