GOP women ask you to help O’Connor House

The next meeting of the Hamilton County Federated Republican Women (HCFRW) will be 6 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 24 at Hamilton County GOP Headquarters, 209 E. 175th St., Westfield. A representative from the O’Connor House will be the guest speaker.

The meal will be soup and salad. The cost is $10 for members and $20 for non-members. Please RSVP by noon on Monday, Jan. 21 to

The Young Republicans are accepting donations for blankets for the homeless in Indianapolis. If possible, please bring a clean blanket with no holes to donate.

Please remember your RIGHT NOW items. HCFRW will donate them to the O’Connor House. Items needed include diapers, wipes, toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap and personal care items.

The mission of the O’Connor House is to provide a Christian home to help single, pregnant, homeless women improve life for themselves and their children.

The O’Connor House provides many other services, including:

  • A home for up to 18 months, complete with food, clothing and transportation
  • Compassionate staff and volunteers who offer hope and encouragement
  • Professional counseling (group and individual sessions)
  • Pre-natal care and education, along with nutrition and healthy cooking classes
  • Caring staff, dedicated volunteers and prayer support
  • Encouragement for formal education
  • Career counseling and planning
  • Life skills classes (budgeting, parenting and time management)
  • An environment that promotes respect and dignity, and helps women gain the knowledge and skills to improve life for themselves, their children and future generations

In order to be accepted to live at the O’Connor House, a woman:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must be pregnant
  • Must not currently be fleeing any serious domestic violence situation
  • Must be drug and alcohol free.
  • May have up to two additional children (4 years of age or under)

Program information

Residents who go through the intake process and are accepted into the O’Connor House may stay for up to 18 months during the time of her pregnancy and after childbirth, if she continues to follow the rules, policies and procedures while living at the O’Connor House.

All residents of the O’Connor House must follow certain guidelines in order to ensure the safety, peace and harmony for all who are living at the home, as well as for the ongoing success of services and programs to help women improve their lives.

Residency guidelines include, but are not limited to:

  • Follow guidelines and rules in the House Policy Manual (provided during the intake meeting)
  • Show respect to all residents, children and staff members at the O’Connor House, as determined by the House Director
  • Attend educational programs
  • Share house responsibilities
  • Contribute financially: Women who are employed will contribute 10 percent of their income to the O’Connor House. Half of all state-sponsored subsidies will be forwarded to the O’Connor House. Women on Social Security or other welfare contribute a percentage.