New retirement service sets focus on matching needs, resources

The launch meeting of Retirement Journey: Now What? occurred on Jan. 8 in the East Room of the Fishers Library. The session was very interactive and discussions were led by Joe Grecu, Dick Judson and newly retired Judge Steven Nation.

Information was shared about the origin for this new retirement support service and how it is being formed to meet the needs of retirees in Hamilton County. Data was shared about the magnitude of the retirement boom taking place in the country and resulting social and economic impacts. Additionally, lots of discussion focused on the format for future meetings including topics, speakers and time dedicated to emotional and spiritual health.

Nation spoke about needs in Hamilton County with youth, mature adults and the elderly, which can be outlets for retirees looking for ways to be productive and allocate their newly found free time. Matching needs of individuals with resources available through Retirement Journey: Now What? is a focal point for this new service.

Retirement Journey: Now What? is designed to incorporate the three prominent groups in the retirement category: Those preparing for retirement, those looking for ways to grow in retirement and those struggling with retirement. Where do all these individuals seek assistance? Who do they reach out to? The complications and challenges are not unique or limited to a certain category of retiree. It cuts across all levels from all walks of life, men and women alike.

This new service and support group assists retirees with adjusting to their new lifestyle. It presents an outlet to establish new connections, form relationships, develop new interests, provide support and most importantly, reignite new purpose for retired people. Resources are needed to help with this very important transition so retirees can learn to enjoy their retirement years. Retirees should not waste valuable years trying to figure this out alone. Collaborating and convening with others in a similar situation through a support group designed for retirees to share concerns and challenges can be invaluable to navigating this transition.

Participation in Retirement Journey: Now What? can assist people experiencing similar feelings and situations. Having someone to reach out to and talk through the issues can be a great benefit. A happy and fulfilling retirement is much more than money and insurance. Finding out what is key or central to you can be discovered through participation in a retirement support group.

The next meeting is scheduled for 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 12 in the East Room at Fishers Public Library, 5 Municipal Drive, Fishers. Subsequent meetings will take place the second Tuesday of every month, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Fishers Public Library. Family members and guests are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

For more information about Retirement Journey: Now What? please contact Dick Judson by email at or by phone at 317-385-2745, or Joe Grecu by email at or by phone at 317-902-5774.