Seven-time page brings his brother this year

Photo provided by Denise Moe

Chris Moe (left), a senior at Carmel High School will soon page for his seventh year, along with his brother Jack Moe (center), a seventh-grader at Carmel Middle School. This year, both will page for State Senator John Ruckelshaus (right), who represents southern Carmel and Fishers and Washington Township in Marion County.

Students can page for their local state senator or state representative for free, and students are excused from school that day. Have your son or daughter page with the Indiana House of Representatives or Senate and spend the day learning about Indiana state history and government and see a session in action.

Registration is going on right now. Click here to register with your local state senator, or click here to register with your local state representative.

1 Comment on "Seven-time page brings his brother this year"

  1. Eric Morris | January 3, 2019 at 4:27 pm |

    Denise, your photo is so clear that I can see the “Honorable” Senator’s now-illegal to get eyeball tattoo. Thank goodness he protected your sons from that scourge.

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