Radio hams invite tech savvy DIYers to program

Anyone who is a “techie” or do-it-yourself hobbyist (DIYer), electronics tinkerer, amateur radio operator or potential engineer is invited to a presentation at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 5 at the Hamilton County Emergency Operations Center in Noblesville.

Dr. Ron Sans, an officer of the Central Indiana Amateur Radio Association (CIARA), will demonstrate and discuss a recent project he completed. The presentation will describe circuit considerations and design and printed circuit layout negative design. Sans will give a detailed description on how to etch printed circuit boards in your home, including photos of components used for etching. He will cover drilling holes in the printed circuit board and the use of recommended specialized tools that help with parts mounting.

The program kicks off the 2019 meeting year of CIARA, which meets at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month. Anyone interested in electronics, getting an amateur radio license or learning more about the many aspects of club activities are welcome to attend this free program.

The Emergency Operations Center is located at the Emergency Management Office in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s campus at 18100 Cumberland Road, Noblesville.

For more information, contact CIARA at