OneZone announces 2019 legislative priorities

The OneZone Chamber of Commerce has released its priorities for the 2019 Indiana legislative session:


Indiana’s current policies on alcohol have the potential to impede on an open and free market. Therefore, OneZone supports a thorough review and modernization of Indiana’s alcohol laws. OneZone believes in a free market philosophy for production, distribution and sales and feels that the state should work to make the current system straightforward and simple. OneZone supports expanding the opportunities for reasonably priced permits in rapidly growing communities and districts. OneZone supports leveling the playing field; however, it would oppose any sort of permit referendum requirement.

Bias Crimes

Quality of place is integral to attract and retain businesses and employees in our communities. Therefore, OneZone supports enacting bias crime penalties for a criminal offense where it can be proven that the victim or target is selected because of perceived or actual enumerated characteristics – including sexual preference and gender identity.


Addiction issues affect Hoosier business’ health and growth. This has become a growing issue across Hamilton County, the state of Indiana and the nation, and OneZone supports initiatives that address prevention and treatment. In addition, OneZone supports strengthening enforcement efforts and penalties for those that illegally manufacture drugs that result in death. Mental health is also an important issue that should be addressed in connection with this policy area.

Regional Development Initiatives

Strong communities make a strong state. Therefore, OneZone supports efforts for a local option of funding and regional development tax credits to support an ongoing Regional Cities program to allow quality of place and talent retention and attraction projects to continue in the state while fostering a regional collaboration model.

School Safety

In Hamilton County, there is no economic development driver stronger than its high-performing public schools. OneZone supports efforts by the state to increase funding on issues related to school safety. This includes, but is not limited to, easier access to funding and/or grants for schools to purchase security equipment, hire additional school resource officers, fund capital improvements to facilities and increase mental health programs and initiatives.

Tobacco Reform

Indiana’s tobacco use costs Hoosier businesses $2.8 billion in productivity losses and nearly $3.3 billion in annual health care costs. Therefore, OneZone supports increasing the age for legally purchasing tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old. OneZone also supports an increase in the tobacco tax in the hopes to decrease sales of tobacco products. OneZone also supports repealing preferential treatment for smokers in the workplace (also known as the “Smokers Bill of Rights”).

About OneZone

OneZone, a Hamilton County chamber of commerce, serves the Central Indiana business community as a commerce connector, strong voice, significant presence and business advocate in an ever-changing marketplace. With OneZone, businesses get an organization that reaches across municipal boundaries – just the way business does – to deliver more impact and more opportunities more efficiently.