Noblesville boys basketball results

The Noblesville boys freshman basketball team defeated Westfield 39-30 on Monday.
The Millers were led by Austin Fuquay (11 points, nine rebounds), Elias Spelman (eight points, three rebounds) and Daveon Bew (five points, three rebounds).
Noblesville will host Kokomo at 6 p.m. Thursday for its next game.

The Noblesville West seventh-grade boys basketball team swept Lebanon on Tuesday.
The NWMS “A” team won 53-22. Samson Dickens scored 14 points, with Blake Widget adding 10 and Luke Etchison contributing eight.
The West Millers “B” team won 43-18. Josh Peek scored nine points, with Alec Moor, Nolan Decker and Curtis Gordon each scoring six.

The Noblesville East eighth-grade boys basketball team fell to Riverside on Tuesday.
The East Millers “A” team lost 47-31, while the “B” team fell 29-13.