Wings and prayers

From the Heart

Remember a couple of years ago when I wrote in my column about my daughter, Emily, and her family moving from Fishers to Tampa? I admitted it was an adjustment for my heart.

I’ve always prayed for my children to enjoy life and never let me hinder their dreams. I’ve always tried my best to be their greatest cheerleader and supporter. I really did pray that God would help me to give them wings.

And then …

I remember where I was when Emily broke the news to me. I was sitting in Jim Dandy, enjoying a Hoosier Breaded Tenderloin, and talking about how nice it was to just call her, at a moment’s notice, and have her join me for lunch. Emily said, “Well Mom, we may have to plan ahead of time and it will be when you and Chuck are in Tampa … where we are moving.” Drew had accepted a new job.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts and not choke on my sandwich. I smiled and told her, “Well, it will sure be a change, but if you are happy, then I will be happy as well.

Yes, we go to Tampa, where Chuck has had a home since 1989, about every eight weeks to visit his sons, Scott and Jeff, and their families. I’ve gotten used to actually spending more time with Emily, Drew, Aiden and Leah since they moved about 15 minutes from our house to there. Trips to the beach and the pool and Disney are fun to look forward to.

A few months ago Chuck’s son, Scott, announced that he and his family would be moving to New York City where they would all be focusing on their singing, dancing, music production and Rockapella and Disney careers. Scott, Lisa, Jesse and Natalie all have the entertainment gene.

Chuck and I agreed that we would have a new place to visit. Who doesn’t love the sights and sounds of Broadway and everything NYC? Not to mention the food. Chuck took me there for my 60th birthday.

Well, back to Emily and Drew and Tampa.

They lived in our house for a year until they finally found the perfect place to call their own. That was in June.

I went down and helped them unpack and decorate. It went from a house to a home in just a few days.

Then …

A few weeks ago Emily called and said, “Mom you are not going to believe this but Drew got an incredible job offer … in Seattle. We should be out there and settled in by the first of the year.”

There was a bit of silence on my end of the phone. I gathered my thoughts and caught my heart before it crashed. I told her exactly what I told her when they moved to Tampa … and then I checked the airline times and costs for flights to Seattle.

It won’t be every eight weeks when I see them, but I hear Seattle is a lovely place to visit. My heart will follow them, wherever they call home.

I gave my daughter wings, many years ago. She’s definitely learned to use them. And I have certainly learned to pray more.