HSEA President addresses HSE school board


Hamilton Southeastern Education Association (HSEA) President Janet Chandler told the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board Wednesday night the local teacher’s union continues its willingness to work collaboratively with the school board as a partner to benefit all students. She made the comments as three board members, choosing not to run for re-election, will leave the board in January, making way for three new board members and one incumbent elected to a second four-year term.

Chandler gave board members a history lesson on the relationship between past boards and the HSEA. She explained the bargaining struggles in the 1980s that eventually transformed into a more peaceful relationship that exists today.

In 1982, there were seven males on the school board, all farmers, according to Chandler. In 2019, there will be five females on the HSE Board, with no board members involved in farming.

The board was reminded that membership in HSEA is voluntary, but that the association has a legal responsibility to bargain for all teachers, members and non-members.