Marine surprises her son at Noblesville school

Marine Staff Sergeant Mariah Singleton surprised her son Cameron with a visit during Stony Creek Elementary’s Veterans Day program on Monday. (Photo provided)

While performing at his school’s Veterans Day program, Cameron Singleton, a Stony Creek Elementary kindergartener, got quite a surprise on Monday.

Cameron’s mom, Mariah Singleton, a staff sergeant in the United States Marines, made a surprise visit after returning home from her oversees deployment. Mom and son had been apart since March while she worked in Australia and Hawaii.

Singleton said she had been planning the surprise for several months.

“I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time so it was really awesome to come and surprise both of them,” Mariah said about being able to see both of her sons. Her younger son, Quincy, is two years old.

Cameron said the surprise was, “So, so awesome.”

Cameron and Quincy’s dad is also an active duty Marine.