The tale of two Tylers

The County Line

There are two young men from Hamilton County named Tyler Trent. Readers may have heard their names in the news of late. Both are vitally interested in football, both are within a couple of years of the same age and live within a couple of miles of each other in Carmel.

One is now famous as Purdue University’s superfan. He’s been featured on national TV after he captured the hearts of many. He suffers from seemingly incurable bone cancer. But, he made it to the improbable Purdue upset win over Ohio State a week ago Saturday, and was interviewed during the televised game.

Fans and players unofficially dedicated the game to Tyler who had predicted that Purdue would beat the highly ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. A Purdue student until last week, he is now in hospice care at home in Carmel.

The other Tyler Trent is now starting quarterback for the Carmel football team. He’s helped the Greyhounds to an 8-2 record so far this year, and hopes to extend the season Friday when CHS plays Lafayette Jeff for the sectional championship.

The two Tylers are not related. Carmel quarterback Tyler has not officially announced his college plans. Is it possible that he could carry the name to Purdue next year and lead the Boilers to continued success?