Sheridan fell to Monroe Central in a rainy Class 1A Sectional 44 semi-final game on Friday.
The Blackhawks and the Golden Bears were scoreless through three quarters before Monroe Central broke through for a touchdown and two-point conversion in the fourth period. With that, the Golden Bears won 8-0 and ended Sheridan’s season at 8-3.
Monroe Central scored on a 90-yard touchdown pass with 10:03 left in the fourth quarter. To further underscore how defensive the game was, the two teams combined only had 91 yards of rushing. The Blackhawks had 74 of those yards, and held the Golden Bears to 17 yards on the ground. Monroe totaled 105 yards of passing, but 90 of those were from the long touchdown; take that out and Sheridan’s defense allowed just 15 yards.
Cameron Hovey led the Blackhawks’ running game with 33 yards in 10 carries. Drake Delph was next with 17 yards.

Sheridan’s Drake Delph sets up to pass in challenging conditions during the Blackhawks’ sectional game at Monroe Central on Friday. The Golden Bears won 8-0. (Kirk Green)

Sheridan coach Bud Wright chats with Nick Burnell (left) after the Blackhawks’ sectional game at Monroe Central on Friday. At right is longtime Sheridan assistant coach Mike Stits. (Kirk Green)