Mayor Ditslear will vote Yes for school referendum Nov. 6

Dear Editor,

Last month I attended the state of the schools presentation at the Noblesville Chamber luncheon, and since then the referendum proposal for Noblesville Schools has been on my mind. Many know that I started my career in public office by serving on the school board. I know better than most the challenges our schools face to serve all children well and to do so under demanding legislative and financial restrictions.

Noblesville Schools does more than just meet basic educational objectives, they are a role-model district with academic staff, STEM programming, workforce development initiatives and special education innovations that have been recognized across the state. They are robustly preparing our children for the world of tomorrow and making our community stronger in the process. They have been able to accomplish all this and more because we have supported them in doing so. Our ability to attract new businesses to Noblesville, maintain high property values, prepare our future workforce, and achieve a high quality of living are all directly related to the strength of our schools.

The referendum Noblesville Schools passed in 2016 was a reduction in the tax rate and was needed just to maintain staff and programming. This 2018 referendum proposal is about enhanced mental health, increased safety and retaining top-quality teachers who are leaving Noblesville for surrounding districts that have committed to pay teachers significantly more.  It’s about keeping our schools and community strong now and in the future.

I hope you’ll join me in voting YES on Nov. 6 for the Noblesville Schools referendum. It’s a vote of support for the strength of Noblesville overall.

John Ditslear

Mayor, City of Noblesville